Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy for Lesbians DISCONTINUED
How to Stay Sane and Care for Yourself from Preconception Through Birth – Revised and Updated Edition By Rachel Pepper.
Written with humor and insight by a mum who herself rode the conception roller coaster, The Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy for Lesbians will guide you every step of the way – from your first ovulation kit right up through the first weeks after your baby’s birth.
Rachel Pepper’s lively, easy-to-read guide is the first place to go for up-to-date information and sage advice on everything you need to know:
*Charting your body’s own fertility signs
*New preconception planning for both singles and couples
*Selecting a sperm bank or donor
*Inseminating to maximize your chances of pregnancy
*New latest information on fertility drugs
*New sex, desire, and self-esteem during pregnancy
*New protecting your legal rights as a lesbian family
*New negotiating family roles
*Labor, birth, and welcoming your baby
*Support for partners and co-parents
*New completely updated resource guide featuring lesbian-friendly sperm banks and clinics, midwives, doulas, birth centers, and online resources.
“You could scour bookstores, libraries and the Internet for months without finding the kind of logistical and emotional support this book will provide. I love it!” – Ariel Gore, author of The Hip Mama Survival Guide.
“At last, a lesbian-specific treatise on making a baby and what to do with it once it arrives.” – The Advocate
“Down-to-earth coverage of important issues such as sperm-donor selection, legal rights, and sexuality and self-esteem.” – Mothering
RACHEL PEPPER is the book editor at Curve magazine and works in the Lesbian and Gay Studies program at Yale.